Mack, Brenda
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-4050
Magera, Andrew
Assistant Men's Hockey Coach
- Phone218-755-3928
Mahonen, Andrew
Music Adjunct
Mannausau, Alexandra
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Manz, Eric
Assistant Athletic Trainer
- Emaileric.manz@866kq.com
Maple, Marci
- Phone218-755-4240
Marek, Keith
Professor, Chem Department Chair
- Phone218-755-2788
Markgraf, Tim
Adjunct, Social Work
Masek, Jacob
State Univ Adjuct Unit
Massaglia, David
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-2906
McCarthy, Casey
Director of Public Safety
- Phone218-755-3888
McCoy, Alec
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
- Emailalec.mccoy@866kq.com
McDonnell, Peter
Systems and Circulation Librarian
- Phone218-755-2967
McDougall, Emma
Administrative Assistant to the Dean
- Phone218-755-2259
McManus, Brendan
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-4124
Melin, Carly
Political Science Adjunct
Menefee, Carissa
Communications Specialist
- Phone218-755-2207
Meulebroeck, Eric
State Univ Adjuct Unit
- Phone218-755-3965
Meyer, Alexa
Visiting Scholar
Meyer, Emily
Non Employee
Michael, Nancy
Emeritus Faculty
Michael, Nicky
Indigensous Studies Adjunct
- Phone218-755-3979
Michel, Madison
Miles, Tia
CRM Analyst
- Emailtia.miles@866kq.com
Miller, Ekren
Men's Golf Coach
- Phone218-755-3928
Miller, Lauren
Student Worker
Miller, Mary
Human Resources Generalist
- Phone218-755-2084
Miller, Nikki
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit
Milton-Baumgardner, Cade
Football Adjunct Coach
Molitor, Christan
Stationary Engineer
Montgomery, Kayla
Athletics Trainer
Moore, Tina
OASI Administrative Specialist
- Emailtina.moore@866kq.com
- Phone218-755-2997
Morgan, Michael
Non Employee
- Emailmc.morgan@866kq.com
Morrissey, Mark
State Univ Adjuct Unit
Murphy, Brian
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Murray, Michael
- Phone218-755-2910